It can be tough to keep up with new vehicle technologies, especially since technology is constantly evolving and becoming more complicated. But that’s what you have our team at Craig Dunn Motor City for! We’ve recently been asked about Chevy’s Rear Cross Traffic Alert, so we’re breaking down how the system works in an easy-to-understand way! Keep reading for more details.
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Chevy Rear Cross Traffic Alert safety system
Chevy’s Rear Cross Traffic Alert works by using rear-mounted radar sensors to monitor what’s going on directly behind your vehicle. The system activates when you put it into reverse, and it acts as an extra set of eyes for you. If you start backing up and another vehicle approaches, you will hear a beeping noise from the system, alerting you that rear traffic is approaching. The Rear Cross Traffic Alert safety system is especially useful in crowded parking lots, when it can be hard to see if any other vehicles are approaching.
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Drivers interested in seeing Chevy’s Rear Cross Traffic Alert at work are encouraged to stop in and see us at Craig Dunn Motor City or schedule an obligation-free test drive online! Have additional questions about the safety feature or which vehicles in our inventory are equipped with this advanced piece of technology? Give our team a call today!