Some days it can be hard to stay positive, but a little bit of positive thinking can go a long way. In honor of the “International Day of Positive Thinking” on September 13, Chevrolet in partnership with IBM has created a way to reward drivers for the good vibes that they bring to their lives. For a day, Chevy took over gas stations across the globe (including in Calgary, Alberta!) to reward folks for their good attitude on social media. Check out the videos below!
Fueling Possibilities – Chevrolet Introduces the Power of Positivity
The Positivity Pump Experience Across the World!
There is currently no video available for the Positivity Pump Experience in Calgary, Alberta, but we will add it when we find it. Want to be a part of Chevy positivity? Schedule your test drive for a fuel-efficient vehicle like the Chevy Cruze today!